Gym Record workout journal, photo 1
Pavel Chernikov

Gym Record workout journal, photo 2
Gym Record

full-fledged journal for keeping track of exercises, complete with calendar and stats. Helps athletes set up custom training schedules and does away with notebooks and pens at the gym.

The user creates an exercise in one of the eight categories, including strength training, cardio and stretching, and adds it to the daily workout schedule, then records the amount of sets. In addition, the user can specify the weights and the amount of time to complete the exercise. An in-built calendar allows to plan out workout sessions, while the stats help to track progress.

Live Typing developed a neat interface and created an intuitive design for this app to help athletes record their results without being distracted from working out. UI elements are large and easy to click, and the monochrome color scheme focuses the user’s attention on their exercises.

Idea — Pavel Chernikov
Design and development — Live Typing

Gym Record workout journal, photo 3
Sport iOS Mobile UX/UI Health & Fitness Native Offline Calendar Analytics