Selgros hypermarket, photo 1
Selgros Cash&Carry

Selgros hypermarket, photo 2
Selgros hypermarket

Selgros is an app of loyalty for a chain of large European hypermarkets. The app informs customers about promotions and allows them to monitor the status of bonus account. To make it convenient for people to use the loyalty program, Live Typing developed:

  • the screen with the history of purchases — electronic receipts correspond to the usual ones: they show the cost of each item and the points accrued; 
  • bonus account in rubles — we taught the app to translate points into rubles by swiping, so that a person can immediately see the amount he or she can write off;
  • personalized push notifications — we send push notifications specifically to different segments of the target audience in order to meet the needs of a particular user and increase the average check.

We wrote the application on the SwiftUI. We worked with Time&Materials with a financial ceiling: the client had a limited budget for developing the first version. We have determined in advance the amount of money we cannot exceed. Now we are working on developing the project and expanding it to the eCommerce format. 

Idea   —   Selgros Cash&Carry 

Design and development   —  Live Typing

Selgros hypermarket, photo 3
eCommerce Purchases Native Mobile iOS Android